Hematoid Quartz Heart

Code: 12QEM010

Materials: Quarzo ematoide

Origin: Madagascar

Sizes: 6,2 x 5,4 x 1,5 cm

Weight: 0,130 kg

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The heart has always been considered the most important part of man, according to many cultures the heart is the seat of the soul, the source of consciousness and feelings. The heart is the source of wisdom and the symbol of love. According to Buddhism, one can recognize the divine spark, which is the engine of the universe and of human life, only in the unlimited love of the soul, only by constantly recognizing this spark can enlightenment be achieved.

Quartz hematoid properties in crystal therapy: it helps to re-emerge and heal traumas dating back to past and present lives. Excellent against prolonged stress, it is also used for the stimulation of the first 3 chakras, promotes greater vitality, new creativity, intellectual advancement and intuitive research. It balances, channels and strengthens the vital energy. Gives physical strength. Hematoid quartz is the natural interpenetration of iron oxide (hematite) which is deposited inside the hyaline quartz. 


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