Crystal Set for protection of negative energy

Code: 20SET016

Materials: Black obsidian, Clear Quartz, Malachite, Shungite, Turquoise

Sizes: pietre 2-4 cm

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The image is purely representative. The size of each stone may vary slightly from what is indicated.


Stones: Turquoise, Malachite, Hyaline Quartz, Shungite, Black Obsidian
TURQUOISE: "sponge of negativity" helps keep negative influences away. It is capable of stabilizing mood swings and instilling inner calm.
MALACHITE: "protective stone" Thanks to its absorbing powers, it can be used on all chakras, and in any area of ??the body where there is a need to relax or to extract pain.
HYALINE QUARTZ neutralizes negative energies and amplifies positive ones. He knows how to give energy or remove it if it is in excess. It greatly strengthens the aura, and is used to activate and align all chakras, providing more energy.
SHUNGITE: Takes away from the body what intoxicates it, giving it what it needs. Shield against electromagnetic radiation.
BLACK OBSIDIAN: indicated in case of trauma, blockages, shocks and fears, as it is able to infuse the necessary energy to overcome them. Connect the mind to emotions; connects spiritual energy with the physical plane; it absorbs and disperses negativity.

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