Crystal of Beryl
4,6 x 0,5 x 0,4 cm
48,00 €
Bit-terminated raw tip, i.e. that the two ends end with a tip. In bi-terminated crystals, energy flows in both directions (usually the sharper and pointed tip emits masculine energy, the rounder and less angular feminine energy), therefore they are also suitable for resolving the contradictions between the physical and spiritual parts. They are used to eliminate energy blocks and to dissolve negative energies.
Hematoid Quartz is also called Red Quartz, Fire Quartz or Hyacinth Quartz.
Quartz hematoid properties in crystal therapy: it helps to re-emerge and heal traumas dating back to past and present lives. Excellent against prolonged stress, it is also used for the stimulation of the first 3 chakras, promotes greater vitality, new creativity, intellectual advancement and intuitive research. It balances, channels and strengthens the vital energy. Gives physical strength. Hematoid quartz is the natural interpenetration of iron oxide (hematite) which is deposited inside the hyaline quartz.
Please note: shapes and sizes can change from one piece to the next. The samples to be sent are randomly chosen by us from the batch of material available and we always try to choose the best for our customers. We remind you that if you want to choose one of our products from a multiple listing you can contact us before purchasing and we will be happy to try to meet your requirements.