The stones of the zodiac sign LIBRA
Characteristics of Libra
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, ruled by the planet Venus, it is a cardinal air sign that initiates autumn.
Those born under the sign of Libra have a very specific purpose in life: to bring peace, to create balance and harmony by giving their help dispassionately without looking for something in return and without prejudice. They don't like chaos and disorder, they love art and especially beautiful and elegant art, they are very discreet but they like to be appreciated and attract glances of admiration. Elegant in clothing, they never lead to exaggeration and vulgarity; despite their amiable, always smiling appearance, making a Libra angry is like throwing fuel on a fire; the result is an explosion that one would certainly not expect from an angelic face suddenly transformed into a devil fresh out of hell.
Libra birthstones
The stones associated with the sign of Libra are:
ROSE QUARTZ "stone of universal love" helps to free oneself from feelings such as anger, resentment, guilt, fear and jealousy. At the same time it reduces stress and tension, providing great calm to the person. In particular, it helps the development of compassion and love, frees from anxiety, nervousness and worries: it dissolves emotional tensions, cancels the ego and harmonizes life with that of the Universe. It helps to have self-confidence and to develop, mature and respect feelings.
JADE “stone of youth” Stimulates the dreamlike and fantastic world, allowing inner wisdom to emerge. It has a rebalancing function, contrasting inertia with activity and excitability with calm. Stimulates the production of ideas and dynamism. Strengthens the ability to make decisions. It brings inner peace and rebalances emotional states.
PERIDOT "stone that detoxifies" It helps to escape external influences, allowing you to live your life to the fullest and learn from your experiences. It helps to face and overcome problems resulting from feelings of guilt, facilitating the release of accumulated anger. It allows you to recognize mistakes made and makes you aware of what should have been done and wasn't done. It has a detoxifying and revitalizing action. It promotes metabolism and is useful in cases of skin disorders.
GREEN TOURMALINE Stimulates the joy of living, emphasizing all the positive aspects of life. It makes you open and patient, soliciting interest in others. Promotes creativity and positive thinking. It brings back balance, giving great energy. Relieves the feeling of tiredness.
GREEN OPAL "stone of optimism" is very precious in energy crystal, because it can purify and clean. It gives support and order, thus leading the person to find meaning in their life by digging inside themselves in search of the root of the problem. It promotes the verbal expression of one's joy and cheerfulness, improves the ability to smile and laugh.