The colors of the stones: meaning and properties
Each of us is attracted to one stone or another especially for its color. Colors closer to our taste or further away can reveal different aspects of our personality and character. Furthermore, the preference for a certain color can correspond to a precise emotion or a specific moment in a person's life (many studies have shown that mood, appetite, blood pressure and some metabolic functions of our body are influenced by color).
The colors of the stones
Hard stones and crystals can be divided into categories based on their color type.
Red is the color of blood, life and death. In many cultures it has been considered "sacred", or dedicated to deities. Red crystals are used to stimulate creativity, to arouse courage and to energize the body, they are protective stones and help to be outgoing and to strengthen the body and willpower. On a physical level, red stones are intimately connected with the blood and the heart, stimulating blood circulation and cardiac activity.
Red stones in our store: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Garnet, Red Tourmaline, Ruby.
Pink is the color of pure, spiritual and maternal love. Pink stones are calming, soothing and used to relax and rest both body and mind. Believed to be influenced by Venus, pink crystals attract love, stimulate generosity and help overcome pain and trauma. They foster peace, happiness and joy; they stimulate the most heated emotions, help make friends and encourage openness to others.
Pink stones in our store: Rhodonite, Pink Quartz, Lepidolite, Rhodochrosite, Morganite, Pink Opal, Cobaltocalcite.
Orange is the color of optimism and vitality. The orange stones have something of the glow of the red ones, but they are of a more subtle effect. They are carriers of luck and success and have often been considered the symbol of the sun. They are excellent stones to increase self-confidence and to stimulate creativity and ambition.
Orange stones in our store: Mokaite, Polychrome Jasper, Orange Calcite, Amber.
Yellow chases away melancholy, makes you extrovert and open to new things. Yellow stones and minerals are projective, work on the mind, balance emotions and rationality. They are stones of movement, exchange, energy and mental awareness. On a physical level, they promote digestion and the immune system.
Yellow stones in our store: Citrine Quartz, Yellow Opal, Yellow Calcite.
Green is the color of nature and fertility. Green stones are receptive and used in healing magic. They give judgment, clarity in making decisions and willpower. They also promote health and peace.
Green stones in our store: Fluorite, Chrysoprase, Green Jasper, Malachite, Aventurine, Emerald.
Blue (or azure) are the colors of the ocean, rest and twilight. Linked with the element of Water and the planet Neptune, the blue stones calm the emotions. If you have difficulty sleeping, try putting a celestine druse on the nightstand next to the bed. In addition, blue crystals stimulate communication, diplomatic and expressive skills and help to relate to others.
Blue stones in our store: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Angelite, Larimar, Chrysocolla, Blue Howlite, Turquoise, Aquamarine.
Purple and indigo are the colors of spirituality and inner growth. They are excellent stones to wear for meditation, in crystal therapy they stimulate psychic abilities and give harmony and peace.
Purple stones in our store: Amethyst, Ametrine, Purple Fluorite, Iolite, Sugilite.
White is the color of purity and light. White or transparent crystals express hope, trust in the future and in others. Since the Moon shines at night, its stones are used after dusk for protection, often when walking alone in dangerous places. Sometimes white and red stones are worn or worn together for protection at all hours of the day and night.
White stones in our store: Selenite, Hyaline Quartz, Moonstone, Magnesite.
Black is the symbol of respect, power and protection. Black or gray stones are considered protective (for us and for the environment), but more often black stones are used to "earth" a person. If you are careless, confused, or so immersed in spiritual things that your physical life suffers, carry black stones. On a physical level, black crystals absorb excess energy and reduce pain.
Black stones in our store: Obsidian, Jet, Shungite, Aegirina, Hematite, Black Tourmaline.