Indigo Gabbro, characteristics and properties of the magic stone

Adding new stones and minerals to your collection is a fun way to acquire eye-catching pieces that stand out from the crowd. What we present to you today is Gabbro, also called Indigo Gabbro or mystic Merlinite.


Characteristics Indigo Gabbro

Indigo gabbro is a recent discovery. It was originally unearthed in Madagascar and was at one point called "mystical merlinite," though it wasn't official. The name is in fact a nod to the legendary wizard Merlin, as is the stone's resemblance to merlinite. As a recent discovery, indigo gabbro was not used for many purposes, it truly originated as an ornamental gemstone, a location that will likely remain its primary use for the foreseeable future.

It was first discovered in Madagascar and this remains the primary source. It is a volcanic stone, so very few areas have the right conditions to produce the gem. Some indigo gabbro has been found in Alaska, though not in the same quantities seen in Madagascar. In this respect, this makes mystic merlinite quite rare. However, gabbro stones with similar visual characteristics are found in other parts of the world; they are simply different enough not to qualify as natural indigo gabbro.

Gabbro is an igneous rock. It features a combination of minerals, including feldspar and quartz. Raw indigo gabbro usually falls in the medium to dark range of colors and often has a noticeably grainy texture. In many cases, it is also somewhat opaque, although there may be some subtle shimmer due to the crystalline nature of the stone. The coarser grain is a result of how the indigo gabbro is formed. In general, it is a volcanic stone, requiring high heat and melting conditions. As it cools, the surface remains relatively rough. However, some samples have a finer grain. Overall, indigo gabbro is typically in the range of opaque to translucent. As a result, some light can often pass through portions of the stone. However, it is usually not fully transparent. Some people worry that mystical merlinite is toxic. Primarily, this is due to the potential presence of minerals such as barite and iron in the stone.

Indigo gabbro stones are not typically a single color. Instead, the gemstone is usually a mix of white, gray, and black. However, the colors are cool, with most pieces featuring a subtle purple undertone that makes the stone incredibly unique. In most cases, the pattern is more of a mottle than a blend. The amount of dark or light colors in an individual stone can vary, although deeper colored ones make up the bulk of most gemstones. Sometimes, there may be tiny specks of gold in mystical merlinite pieces. When this happens, it is due to the presence of specific inclusions, such as mica. This can give some indigo gabbro gemstones a slightly metallic quality, although it is usually incredibly thin.


Gabbro properties

Si dice che aiuti le persone a conoscere il loro io più intimo, a essere più coscienti e intuitivi, a trovare la bellezza che di solito è avvolta nell'oscurità o risolvere misteri.

È un potente alleato in tutti i tipi di magia. Aiuta a vedere attraverso il velo dei mondi visibili e invisibili e, a sua volta, permette di sviluppare abilità intuitive. Risveglia le parti dormienti della mente.

Inoltre questa pietra allinea completamente la colonna dei chakra, inviando correnti bilanciate dalla Radice (1° Chakra) alla Corona (7° Chakra).