Characteristics and properties of Fluorite, stone of the student

Characteristics of fluorite

Fluorite, also called fluorine or fluorine-spar, is a very common mineral composed of calcium fluoride.

From the Latin fluere = to flow, in allusion to the fusibility of the mineral and spato = easily divisible mineral.

Mineral well known in ancient times as a precious and ornamental stone.

The most commonly presented shapes are those of the octahedron and the cube. The color is varied: colorless, light green, emerald green, yellow, blue, violet, pink, red. The luster of fluorites is glassy; not always perfect up to absolute transparency; many fluorites are translucent or opaque.



It is a fairly common and abundant mineral as a matrix of metalliferous minerals. In Italy it is found well crystallized in various Alpine deposits: on Mount Fronte in Val Sugana, in the Sarentina Valley above Bolzano. Polychrome crystals are found in the granites of Baveno on Lake Maggiore; green or blue fluorite is found in Corvara; it is also found on the island of Elba and on Tolfa near Rome in the metalliferous region. Important and well known, especially by collectors, is the yellow and blue fluorite of the Saxon Erzgebirge and that of the English deposits of Cumberland, Derbyshire and Durham. It is also found in Switzerland, Norway, Bohemia, various places in the United States, Australia, Japan and southern Africa. Green crystals in south-western Africa and in various states of Brazil.


Crystal therapy properties of Fluorite

Fluorite promotes freedom of thought for those who want to live their lives independently. It tends to lead to a behavior not inclined to compromise, especially in the face of injustices. It makes you creative and imaginative, enhancing the desire for freedom. It makes you aware of your repressed emotions, facilitates contact with your unconscious. It helps to overcome addiction, fixed ideas, narrow-mindedness. It increases concentration, memory and therefore is suitable for people who study or have to concentrate a lot (students, entrepreneurs, artists, businessmen) as it broadens thinking and intellectual faculties, for this reason it is called "student's stone".


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