The stones of the zodiac sign SCORPIO
Characteristics of Scorpio
A water sign characterized by a strong charisma, stubbornness and dedication, Scorpio is classified as one of the strongest and most dynamic signs of the zodiac: with an iron will and a particular self-confidence, this sign does not lack intellect and sense critic. Those born under the sign of Scorpio know how to catalog and choose people well, but they also know how to be one of the most generous and loving signs. Although they apparently appear to be reserved and shy people, they are actually endowed with courage, autonomy and decision-making power and can very well embody a perfect leader.
Scorpio birthstones
The stones associated with the sign of Scorpio are:
CARNELIAN “stone of emotions” Strengthens the ability to appreciate pleasure. Useful in situations in which we want to modulate the activity of our second chakra, not only stimulating it, but also rebalancing its energy flow. It helps in understanding the inner self, strengthens and motivates concentration, helps in public speaking, increasing one's self-esteem. It is a stone of power, it can bring success in one's life. Useful for counteracting negative thoughts and doubts.
GARNET “stone of courage” Helps to get out of those situations that seem to have no way out. Promotes self-confidence, willpower and joy of living. It helps to free oneself from the conditioning of the past and obsolete ideas, enabling one to start a new life. It stimulates the development of new ideas, strengthening the ability to translate them into practice, even if others are hostile to them. Strengthens the body's regenerative power.
RED JASPER “stone of resolve” stone of profound personal equity and justice, strengthens responsibilities, the best choices for our evolution and compassion. It has a stabilizing effect, helps you regain all your energy and use it in a more balanced way. Excellent protection stone. It is the mental order that intervenes to regulate the confusion generated by emotions. Especially useful when you need to hold on and quickly recover your strength.
AVENTURINE “the friend of the skin” brings tranquility, gives joy of living, optimism and patience. Facilitates emotional healing and the expression of love. It helps to free oneself from anxieties and fears, stimulates creativity and enthusiasm. Increases visual faculties, excellent for eyes and skin.
OBSIDIAN "stone of change" It is an immediate mirror in which we can look and meet our Ego. Suitable for being able to discover the dark sides of one's personality in order to accept and sublimate them; useful in case of traumas, blocks, shocks and fears, as it manages to instill the energy necessary to overcome them. Connect the mind to the emotions; connects spiritual energy with the physical plane; absorbs and disperses negativity. Powerful grounding stone. It acts as a bridge between emotions and the mind. Powerful healer for those who are attracted to her.
LABRADORITE “stone of charm” so called because it is said to increase the attractiveness of the wearer. Useful for people who work with the public and who need to attract the attention of others. It facilitates the emergence of a positive attitude in each of us. It is also useful for shy people because it gives ease and self-confidence. It encourages us to adopt a “glass half full” perspective by noticing the beauty around us, the best in others and the good in humanity, focusing on the positive and preventing negativity from overwhelming us.