The stones of the zodiac sign CANCER
Features of Cancer
Cancer is the fourth of the 12 signs of the zodiac, it is a cardinal sign that starts summer, a water sign, ruled by the Moon.
Those born under this sign are very sweet, sensitive, available and attached to memories, to the past. Despite being lazy by nature, he never backs down when it comes to defending his family, home and country. When he finds a partner, he fears a betrayal, while he will hardly betray given his visceral love for everything that is in the family sphere and for his disinterest in worldly and adventurous life. If they sense danger or a difficult situation, they tend to defend themselves and hole up in their shell just like the crab that represents the sign would.
Cancer birthstones
The stones associated with Cancer sign are:
MOONSTONE "stone of femininity" It helps stimulate the functioning of the pineal gland and the balance of internal hormonal cycles, adapting them to the rhythms of nature. Promotes the transformation of emotions, dissolving negative emotional patterns that reside in the subconscious. It enhances the feminine side, but can be indicated to men to encourage them to express their emotions. stone suitable for those who have abrupt and hasty ways towards others.
SELENITE "stone of tranquility" gives a very high vibration, and is capable of instilling mental clarity and a deep sense of inner peace. It is used to improve skin tone and the body's ability to absorb calcium. Suitable for people who are easily influenced by others, as it promotes their individuality. Excellent for treatments and meditation as it helps connect with the higher energy centers.
PEARL "stone not stone symbol of femininity" Gives wisdom and sweetness. The pearl is linked to the Moon, to water, to the woman understood as the Great Mother. With its light it brings wisdom, serenity and inner peace. It helps in initiatives, it makes you think, it helps the unconscious by bringing strength of mind. Pearls act on a subtle level on all internal imbalances, calming internal conflicts. They promote the expression of Yin energy and artistic creativity. Magically the pearl has the ability to propitiate serenity in love.
MOTHER OF PEARL "Talisman of prosperity" For those who have to start anything, they should always have a mother of pearl with them, because it positively influences serenity, emotionality, relationships with others. It carries with it the gentle, peaceful and healing energy of the sea. Relaxes and relieves emotions and stress and gives sensitivity and kindness of mind.
CITRINE QUARTZ "Stone of Prosperity" It is an inexhaustible reserve of energy and works on the solar plexus. Strengthen our aura, increase self-esteem and determination to fight for ourselves. Stimulates individuality and the courage to live. It brings dynamism, acceptance of change, desire to get involved and express oneself. Great birthstone.
RUTILATED QUARTZ "stone that protects" Protects from negative energies, and encourages personal growth. Wearing it helps stimulate positivity in ourselves and around us. Its energy stimulates the independence of one's thought, allows one to focus, to grasp reality from different points of view. Opens up to new horizons Gives independence and breadth of vision, inspires a sense of justice and hone