Mala necklace: the Tibetan rosary
What is the Mala and its meaning
The Sanskrit term Mala means "crown", "garland" and indicates a rosary made up of stones or beads whose purpose is to number mantras (spiritual syllables) or prayers. The mala necklace is made up of 108 grains knotted on a silk thread plus a larger pearl called “the Guru's stone” on which a silk tuft is attached. It can be worn around the neck as a necklace or on the wrist as a bracelet (in this case the grains are not 108 but much less, the important thing is that they are multiples of 9). Malas are used by both Buddhists and Hindus, and there is no difference between Tibetan, Buddhist or Indian mala.
How mala are used
The malas are used to keep the calculation of prayers or mantra recitation without the mind being distracted by keeping the count. Starting with the Guru Stone, a prayer is said for each stone up to the 108th stone. It can be used indiscriminately in both the right and left hands (in the right hand the masculine energy is activated, in the left the feminine energy) and each stone is passed clockwise between the thumb and the middle finger. Once you have reached the last one, you can continue to pray by going backwards in the opposite direction.
Mala necklace: which one to choose
In crystal therapy, Mala protects the wearer, helps calm down and fosters balance, harmony and awareness. In our online shop you can find Mala necklaces in semi-precious stones, excellent for you or as a bijoux gift idea: Mala in Amethyst, a stone of humility that awakens an ethical conscience and a sense of responsibility; Mala in Rose Quartz, very significant for our life because it creates harmony with the environment in which we live and helps us to lovingly accept all the changes we are destined for; Mala in Aventurine, excellent for contemplation; Mala in Hyaline Quartz, excellent for meditation, solves problems, balances the mind by stimulating our clarity to make us more sensitive to memories and have full mastery of knowledge. If, on the other hand, you need to recharge your energy, you can choose the Red Jasper Mala, able to support you during periods of high stress and big commitments, leading you to make the best choices.